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25 Articles


黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教第十五章 —  給小朋友嘗試錯敗

Posted by slienceblack on






  1. 父母會認為自己的一套方法才是最好的,要子女默默聽從主張,跟著父母的安排去走。若然子女有自己的主張並和父母的不同,就會產生分歧、隔膜、代溝,久而久之,父母和子女將不再溝通,成為「有血緣的陌生人」;若然子女因為父母的安排而沒有了自己的主張、獨立思考及分析能力,從而每每受錯折而不懂處理,長大後再社會上載浮載沉,甚至一沉不起,失去力爭上游的動力。
  2. 子女會認為父母的「扶起」及「安撫」都是理應如此,形成無形的依賴性,從而子女長大後當人生每遇錯折時便會立刻找父母相助而不去嘗試自己找方法處理,因子女會覺得父母的安排是最好的,自己多想無益;引致父母處於「兩難」局面,若父母不相助子女,則令子女覺得父母對自己的對待「一時一樣、摸稜兩可、無所適從」而開始埋怨甚至討厭父母,若父母相助子女,則令子女覺得父母相助是「奉旨」,子女的依賴更會變本加厲、有恃無恐。



  1. 子女長大後會覺得父母處處對自己有偏見甚至針對自己,不願再和父母分享討論任何事情,這些不滿情緒不斷累積甚至會產生怨恨,造成互不溝通互不理睬,甚至有時會互不相認的局面。
  2. 子女覺得父母不願嘗試去了解自己或誤會父母認為不需要了解自己,當他們遇到困難甚至挫折時,只能自己慌不擇路地應對而不敢和父母商量,因為認為他們不願意聆聽,只需要他們絕對地服從他們指定自己做的事。到了子女出事故時,父母則後悔得太遲。







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黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教第十四章 — 小朋友應否學「廣東話粗口」?
黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教第十三章 — 和子女溝通的藝術
黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教第十二章 — 成績差只因笨、懶惰、不努力讀書?
黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教第十一章 — 父母應否當街責罵子女或過份偏坦子女?
黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教第十章 — 讓子女去興趣班
黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教第九章 — 香港補習社及補習導師
教與學系列及愛情吹水篇 之 中學生應否談性、談戀愛?
黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教第八章 — 校園欺凌
黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教第七章 — 「香港家庭教育」父母應對不同類型子女分類篇
黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教第六章 — 「香港家庭教育」子女分類篇續篇
黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教第五章 — 「香港家庭教育」子女分類篇
黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教第四章 — 「香港家庭教育」父母分類篇之後續
黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教第三章 — 「香港家庭教育」父母分類篇
黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教第二章 — 「How ? What ? Why ?」和「香港中學教育」
黑色沉默系列 — 香港學與教

愛情吹水篇 之 相見好,同住難?

Posted by slienceblack on




然而,你不會一年365天、一天24小時都和這位朋友shopping 閒聊、看電影、遠足,更不會和這位朋友一起同住,因為當一起生活時,你每天工作、相約親朋以外的私人時間當中,幾乎絕大部份都和他/她在家中相處,在相處時間長的情況下,他/她的缺點和看法會直接或間接影響你的生活,你未必能每每包容他/她的缺點及看法,您更未必會每每接受及同意他/她的缺點和看法;更壞的情況是,你會發現更多你之前和他/她相處時並沒有察覺的缺點和看法,而那些缺點和看法是你吃不消的、不能接受的。



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愛情吹水篇 之 愛有多深,恨就有多深?
愛情吹水篇 之 「外貌」、「錢財權勢」、「合得來」之中三選一
愛情吹水篇 之 遠距離戀愛
黑色沉默系列 — 愛情吹水篇 之 多角戀
黑色沉默系列 — 愛情吹水篇 之 回頭再愛我好嗎?
黑色沉默系列 — 愛情吹水篇 之 N年之癢
教與學系列及愛情吹水篇 之 中學生應否談性、談戀愛?
黑色沉默系列 — 愛情吹水篇 之「戀」與「愛」
黑色沉默系列 — 愛情吹水篇 之 現實的愛情
黑色沉默系列 — 愛情吹水篇 之 理想的愛情

海洋公園,何去何從? The Ocean Park, “where should it go”?

Posted by slienceblack on

此文章以包含中英文版本,英文不好,請多多包涵。This article includes both Chinese and English version, please forgive my poor English.

Recently, Hong Kong Government plans to reduce the amount to subsidy the Ocean Park from over 10 billions to over 5 billions for the huge loan and operation of the Ocean Park, where set aside the expansion plan, moreover, it is claimed that the Ocean Park will be shut down within several months if the subsidy application is not being passed later; Lots of people think that Hong Kong Government should not subsidy the Ocean Park as the Ocean Park got the huge loan and loss their attraction for local features. The Ocean Park, “where should it go”?

For discussing the source of the huge loan, please refer to my previous article:

海洋公園,不再是「香港人的公園」 Ocean Park Is Not “Park of Hong Kong People” Anymore

As I mentioned in the previous article, in my opinion, Hong Kong Government should not put money again and again to this “black hole without bottom” and make citizens’ tax become total loss, but should put the money to people’s livelihood instead.

Although someone said it is not applicable to treat the Ocean Park as a kind of business, I cannot agree. Since the Ocean Park get admission fee for visitors to go inside for visiting the venues and playing the rides, where visitors are required to paid for the food and drinks as well as souvenirs. Even the Ocean Park also conservate marine ecology, the nature of the Ocean Park is actually a kind of business involving marine conversation. And so it is unavoidable to consider the future development of the Ocean Park from business perspective, in order to avoid the Ocean Park become the “black hole without bottom”.

但可怎樣做? 小編姑且天馬行空地說一下可行性,不喜勿插。
But what can do with it? I try to brainstorm some possibilities, please don’t blame on me if you don’t agree with me.

First, set aside the approval of subsidy application, and require the senior management of the Ocean Park provide the details of creditor information, so that the Hong Kong Government can meet with the creditors for discussing the possibilities of debt restructuring; it is because what the Ocean Park need should be debt restructuring instead of HK government subsidy the Ocean Park blindly. However, the senior management of the Ocean Park do not be honest, they mentioned one of their big creditor is the Bank of China (a Chinese banking where it is saided that there is senior staff acting as the senior management of the Ocean Park) reluctantly when the councillors ask for several times in LegCo, it is hard to let Hong Kong people believe their executive and operation due to their uncooperative attitude.

Next, it is needed to replace the current senior management, and hire Allan Zeman and his team again to govern the Ocean Park. Since the Ocean Park is getting worse and worse and the loan is getting huge and huge since governed by the current senior management, they have the responsibility for making the situation no matter what their excuses are, and they need to resign for it. On the other hand, HK Government need to hire Allan Zeman and his team again to govern the Ocean Park, as he and his team had make the Ocean Park become a significant theme park with profits, they are much better than the current senior management of the Ocean Park.

Moreover, don’t use “Hong Kong people’s Collective Memory” for one of the excuses, since many important “Hong Kong people’s Collective Memory” had been banned, e.g. Old Star Ferry Pier, Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park, etc., the unique and locality (if any) of the Ocean Park is not enough for it to become an exception case of “Hong Kong people’s Collective Memory”, and take a huge amount of the tax of Hong Kong citizens for keeping it.

#香港 #社會 #時事

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海洋公園,不再是「香港人的公園」 Ocean Park Is Not “Park of Hong Kong People” Anymore

Posted by slienceblack on

此文章以包含中英文版本,英文不好,請多多包涵。This article includes both Chinese and English version, please forgive my poor English.


Recently, Hong Kong Government plans to give over 10 billions for the huge loss and renew plan of the Ocean Park, which continues to have huge loss for 4 years, to attract customers; Previously, Hong Kong Government had borrowed a huge amount of money to the Ocean Park before for their huge loss, in which the money is still not able to get back now. Where are the money, it’s from the tax of Hong Kong citizens who work hard every day!


In my opinion, the huge loss of the Ocean Park in 4 years is due to the improper marketing strategies of new CEO which take over the job 4 years ago, making Ocean Park is not “Park of Hong Kong People” anymore. Hong Kong Government should not put money again and again to this “black hole without bottom” and make citizens’ tax become total loss, but should put the money to people’s livelihood instead.

4年前開始接任的新CEO在市場策略上如何失當? 「一子錯、滿盤皆落索」,一切皆因大量吸納內地鄉鎮旅遊團所致。

How improper is the marketing strategies of new CEO which take over the job 4 years ago? “One False Move and The Game is Over”, all because of the start of accepting huge amounts of tours of rural community from Mainland China.

內地鄉鎮旅遊團使用的是價錢較低的團體票價,賣得越多,蝕得越多。 旅遊團團員由於文化水平低(部份人連入閘機也沒有見過),他們有很多會在場內不時大聲喧嘩、公然「打尖」、公然隨地吐痰、甚至公然就地大小二便而非步入洗手間處理,諸如此類,惹其他客人反感。每年加完又加的普通門票價錢及取消生日者朋友同行半價優惠, 不少香港人及外國遊客都沒有動力進場。

Since the tours of rural community from Mainland China use tour tickets which are cheaper prices, the more tour tickets being sold, the more money is being loss. Because of the low cultural level of the mainland people in the tours (some even have never seen the gate machine before), most of them speak very loudly, jump the queue without guilty, spit everywhere without guilty, and even foul the places with their excreta without guilty instead of using the toilet, and so on, making other customers feel disgusting. The increase and increase of common ticket price and the cancellation of half price benefit for customers go with friends that having birthday free benefits for visiting the Ocean Park, turn down the motivation of Hong Kong and foreign visitors to go to the Ocean Park.


On the other hand, the recent policies of the Ocean Park let Hong Kong people feel they are not neutral for politic affairs, no matter what new games, new themes or new benefits that the Ocean Park proposes, they cannot attract Hong Kong customers anymore, but making Hong Kong people think that the Ocean Park treat them as “spare tire”, only think of Hong Kong and foreign customers when they loss the Mainland customers.


Finally in my opinion, what the Ocean Park management need to do is review the improper marketing strategies they have done in previous 4 years, but not renew and explore blindly.

#香港 #社會 #時事

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荒謬的香港 Ridiculous Hong Kong

Posted by slienceblack on

此文章以包含中英文版本,英文不好,請多多包涵。This article includes both Chinese and English version, please forgive my poor English.


Eventually I post this article on the first day of the year 2020, after idling for around 3 months. I have not post articles for around 3 months because I was frustrated and not in the mood to write articles; Today I post this article because I would like to summarize my feels from June 2019 to Dec 2019, summarize how ridiculous Hong Kong was.

一宗在台灣發生的港人殺人案,由於港府不肯聽取民意和台灣洽商移交犯人,也不理會台灣政府同意合作接收犯人。反而企圖強行進行《2019年逃犯及刑事事宜相互法律協助法例(修訂)條例草案》,引發連月來香港連串社會撕裂,而犯人在香港因為洗黑錢案 (犯人盜用死者的金錢購物) 刑滿出獄後,仍未考慮到台灣自首。荒謬!

A murder case in Taiwan that involving Hong Kong people, since Hong Kong Government refused to listen to citizens’ voice and discuss with Taiwan Government for passing the murderer, even Taiwan Government agreed to receive the murderer. Instead, Hong Kong Government tried to force the launch of Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019, which triggered the series of social cleavages in Hong Kong in these months, where the murderer is still not willing to go to Taiwan for commit his crime after releasing from prison for money laundering in Hong Kong (he stole and used the money from murder case in Taiwan that involving Hong Kong people, since Hong Kong Government refused to listen to citizens’ voice and discuss with Taiwan Government for passing the murderer, even Taiwan Government agreed to receive the murderer. Instead, Hong Kong Government force the launch of Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019, which triggered the series of social cleavages in Hong Kong in these months, where the murderer is still not willing to go to Taiwan for commit his crime after releasing from prison for money laundering in Hong Kong (he stole and used the money from the dead), it’s ridiculous!

連月來接連發生多宗離奇浮屍、跳樓死人案 (部份是裸體) ,而跳樓死者大多沒有出血或只有少量出血並屍身僵硬;即使有專家對死因提出疑問,但警方都一一定為死因沒可疑的自殺案,包括最近的啞鈴浮屍案。傳聞死者家人大多失蹤,甚至有假冒死者家人的人出現。荒謬!

In these months, there were many cases of bizarre death, floating dead body or jump to death (some are naked body), and most of the dead bodies for jump to death were stiff and hardly any bleeding; even some experts voiced out for their doubts for the cases, Hong Kong even some experts voiced out for their doubts for the cases, Hong Kong police announced all cases are suicide cases with no doubts, including the floating dead body with dumbbell(s) were many cases of bizarre death, floating dead body or jump to death (some are naked body), and most of the dead bodies for jump to death were stiff and hardly any bleeding; even some experts voiced out for their doubts for the cases, Hong Kong even some experts voiced out for their doubts for the cases, Hong Kong police announced all cases are suicide cases with no doubts, including the floating dead body with dumbbell(s) tied up on the leg(s). It is said that the relatives of the dead are all disappeared, or some fake relatives appeared. It’s ridiculous !

連月來港府不斷漠視民意,即使一百萬人、二百萬人的和平遊行也無動於衷,縱容警察在不須出示警員證執勤並做出種種濫權濫補的情況,有多名示威者及救護人員被重創,有多名年青人或穿著黑衫的人無故被補,傳聞有部份警員是警方默許的冒警者 (部份為內地人),有多位示威者失蹤、被扣留性侵犯甚至被強姦,更有失蹤者後來證實成為了之前提及的離奇浮屍或跳樓僵屍。警方則只叫被扣留性侵犯甚至被強姦者和警方聯絡再由警方自行調查自己部門的事,政府甚至要增加警方的薪金。荒謬!

In these months, Hong Kong Government ignored public opinions even there were millions of people joined the peaceful processions, let Hong Kong police need not to show their pass to work and abuse their force to arrest people unreasonably, it had already many demonstrators and first aid volunteers got serious hurt from Hong Kong police, youngsters and people who were black dressings were under arrested by Hong Kong police without any reason, it was said that many so-called policemen and policewomen were fake but allowed by Hong Kong police (some are mainland citizens), it was also said that many demonstrators become disappeared, being arrested and sexual assault or even raped, some disappeared demonstrators were proved to be the dead bodies I mentioned before. Hong Kong police only announced to urge those people who claimed to be sexual assault or raped to contact them and let them investigate their own issues, Hong Kong Government even wanted to raise the salaries of Hong Kong policemen and policewomen. It’s ridiculous !


In these months, many people in the world care about Hong Kong’s situation and there are a lot of voices to urge Hong Kong Government face the problem of Hong Kong police abuse their power and express their violence, Hong Kong Government choose to blindly support Hong Kong police for their faults, and said people in the world are being misled, however, what people in the world keep viewing are live videos of Hong Kong issues and objective news, instead of just watching the subjective and biased pro-government news and being misled. Hong Kong Government try to use their fallacy to convince the people in the world. It’s ridiculous !


If Hong Kong Government and Hong Kong police keep ignoring citizen’s voice, not to invite credible people to form independent investigation committee for investigating how Hong Kong police abuse their power to arrest people without reason and express their violence, if Hong Kong Government and Hong Kong police keep forcing bad law and express their violence to Hong Kong citizens, if Hong Kong Government keep ignoring the advice from the international, all the different kinds of social cleavages will not have an end. It is because the social cleavages was started by the ignorance of public opinion, they can only be ended by Hong Kong Government and police to face public opinion by their hearts; otherwise, Hong Kong situation will not become the most ridiculous situation, but more and more ridiculous !

此文章以包含中英文版本,英文不好,請多多包涵。This article includes both Chinese and English version, please forgive my poor English.


Eventually I post this article on the first day of the year 2020, after idling for around 3 months. I have not post articles for around 3 months because I was frustrated and not in the mood to write articles; Today I post this article because I would like to summarize my feels from June 2019 to Dec 2019, summarize how ridiculous Hong Kong was.

一宗在台灣發生的港人殺人案,由於港府不肯聽取民意和台灣洽商移交犯人,也不理會台灣政府同意合作接收犯人。反而企圖強行進行《2019年逃犯及刑事事宜相互法律協助法例(修訂)條例草案》,引發連月來香港連串社會撕裂,而犯人在香港因為洗黑錢案 (犯人盜用死者的金錢購物) 刑滿出獄後,仍未考慮到台灣自首。荒謬!

A murder case in Taiwan that involving Hong Kong people, since Hong Kong Government refused to listen to citizens’ voice and discuss with Taiwan Government for passing the murderer, even Taiwan Government agreed to receive the murderer. Instead, Hong Kong Government tried to force the launch of Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019, which triggered the series of social cleavages in Hong Kong in these months, where the murderer is still not willing to go to Taiwan for commit his crime after releasing from prison for money laundering in Hong Kong (he stole and used the money from murder case in Taiwan that involving Hong Kong people, since Hong Kong Government refused to listen to citizens’ voice and discuss with Taiwan Government for passing the murderer, even Taiwan Government agreed to receive the murderer. Instead, Hong Kong Government force the launch of Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019, which triggered the series of social cleavages in Hong Kong in these months, where the murderer is still not willing to go to Taiwan for commit his crime after releasing from prison for money laundering in Hong Kong (he stole and used the money from the dead), it’s ridiculous!

連月來接連發生多宗離奇浮屍、跳樓死人案 (部份是裸體) ,而跳樓死者大多沒有出血或只有少量出血並屍身僵硬;即使有專家對死因提出疑問,但警方都一一定為死因沒可疑的自殺案,包括最近的啞鈴浮屍案。傳聞死者家人大多失蹤,甚至有假冒死者家人的人出現。荒謬!

In these months, there were many cases of bizarre death, floating dead body or jump to death (some are naked body), and most of the dead bodies for jump to death were stiff and hardly any bleeding; even some experts voiced out for their doubts for the cases, Hong Kong even some experts voiced out for their doubts for the cases, Hong Kong police announced all cases are suicide cases with no doubts, including the floating dead body with dumbbell(s) were many cases of bizarre death, floating dead body or jump to death (some are naked body), and most of the dead bodies for jump to death were stiff and hardly any bleeding; even some experts voiced out for their doubts for the cases, Hong Kong even some experts voiced out for their doubts for the cases, Hong Kong police announced all cases are suicide cases with no doubts, including the floating dead body with dumbbell(s) tied up on the leg(s). It is said that the relatives of the dead are all disappeared, or some fake relatives appeared. It’s ridiculous !

連月來港府不斷漠視民意,即使一百萬人、二百萬人的和平遊行也無動於衷,縱容警察在不須出示警員證執勤並做出種種濫權濫補的情況,有多名示威者及救護人員被重創,有多名年青人或穿著黑衫的人無故被補,傳聞有部份警員是警方默許的冒警者 (部份為內地人),有多位示威者失蹤、被扣留性侵犯甚至被強姦,更有失蹤者後來證實成為了之前提及的離奇浮屍或跳樓僵屍。警方則只叫被扣留性侵犯甚至被強姦者和警方聯絡再由警方自行調查自己部門的事,政府甚至要增加警方的薪金。荒謬!

In these months, Hong Kong Government ignored public opinions even there were millions of people joined the peaceful processions, let Hong Kong police need not to show their pass to work and abuse their force to arrest people unreasonably, it had already many demonstrators and first aid volunteers got serious hurt from Hong Kong police, youngsters and people who were black dressings were under arrested by Hong Kong police without any reason, it was said that many so-called policemen and policewomen were fake but allowed by Hong Kong police (some are mainland citizens), it was also said that many demonstrators become disappeared, being arrested and sexual assault or even raped, some disappeared demonstrators were proved to be the dead bodies I mentioned before. Hong Kong police only announced to urge those people who claimed to be sexual assault or raped to contact them and let them investigate their own issues, Hong Kong Government even wanted to raise the salaries of Hong Kong policemen and policewomen. It’s ridiculous !


In these months, many people in the world care about Hong Kong’s situation and there are a lot of voices to urge Hong Kong Government face the problem of Hong Kong police abuse their power and express their violence, Hong Kong Government choose to blindly support Hong Kong police for their faults, and said people in the world are being misled, however, what people in the world keep viewing are live videos of Hong Kong issues and objective news, instead of just watching the subjective and biased pro-government news and being misled. Hong Kong Government try to use their fallacy to convince the people in the world. It’s ridiculous !


If Hong Kong Government and Hong Kong police keep ignoring citizen’s voice, not to invite credible people to form independent investigation committee for investigating how Hong Kong police abuse their power to arrest people without reason and express their violence, if Hong Kong Government and Hong Kong police keep forcing bad law and express their violence to Hong Kong citizens, if Hong Kong Government keep ignoring the advice from the international, all the different kinds of social cleavages will not have an end. It is because the social cleavages was started by the ignorance of public opinion, they can only be ended by Hong Kong Government and police to face public opinion by their hearts; otherwise, Hong Kong situation will not become the most ridiculous situation, but more and more ridiculous !

#香港 #社會 #時事

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