說「怎麼辦」之前先要了解何謂「抗疫疲勞」,它是指由於抗疫的時間長久而引發的身心極度疲累,因居家抗疫所壓抑的想到處Eating and Drinking、想逛街Shopping、想約朋友Gathering、甚至想去Oversea Travelling的衝動情緒無處可宣洩,當抗疫措施放寬那一刻就一發不可收拾,「口裏不說但身體很誠實」地外出遊一遊,冒著可能會受感染的風險都要呼吸一下外面的空氣。
首先,你必須要因為未能持久地壓抑自己想到處Eating and Drinking、想逛街Shopping、想約朋友Gathering、甚至想去Oversea Travelling的衝動情緒並留在家抗疫而感到有壓力或不開心。因為情緒控制及管理一直都是一門深奧的學問,並不是很多人可以做到;即使做到的人當中也不是很多人可持之以恆地堅持下去;有時過於壓抑自己情緒又不得其法,反而會弄巧成拙形成情緒病或心理病。因此情緒控制得到固然是好,而嘗試過情緒控制但做得不太好不太持久也不算太壞,至少你有認真地嘗試過做情緒控制居家抗疫。
此文章以包含中英文版本,英文不好,請多多包涵。This article includes both Chinese and English version, please forgive my poor English.
近日香港政府將計劃將申請撥款由超過100億削減至超50億給連續4年都虧損累累的海洋公園去償還債項繼續營運吸引客人並暫緩海洋公園擴建計劃,並聲稱若不撥款給海洋公園會令其在未來兩、三個月內倒閉;而香港有很多聲音認為政府不應再撥款給虧損累累、失去本土特色及吸引力的海洋公園。究竟,海洋公園應何去何從? Recently, Hong Kong Government plans to reduce the amount to subsidy the Ocean Park from over 10 billions to over 5 billions for the huge loan and operation of the Ocean Park, where set aside the expansion plan, moreover, it is claimed that the Ocean Park will be shut down within several months if the subsidy application is not being passed later; Lots of people think that Hong Kong Government should not subsidy the Ocean Park as the Ocean Park got the huge loan and loss their attraction for local features. The Ocean Park, “where should it go”?
若要討論海洋公園虧損累累的弊病,小編早於另一文章已有論述,因此不再多說︰ For discussing the source of the huge loan, please refer to my previous article:
而小編於另一文章也提及到,小編個人認為,政府不適宜再動用金錢接連投放在這「無底黑洞」令市民稅金一去無回頭,而應把金錢應用在民生事務上。 As I mentioned in the previous article, in my opinion, Hong Kong Government should not put money again and again to this “black hole without bottom” and make citizens’ tax become total loss, but should put the money to people’s livelihood instead.
雖然有人說不要將海洋公園的營運當成一門生意,但小編則不敢苟同。既然海洋公園是提供收費入場服務去讓客人到各個場館及機動遊戲場地去參觀遊玩,而入場人士也需要另外付費去享用餐飲及購買手信,即使海洋公園是有保育海洋生態,其本質也是一門帶有生態保育成分的生意。因此無可避免要由商業角度出發去考慮海洋公園的未來發展,才不會令其變成「無底黑洞」。 Although someone said it is not applicable to treat the Ocean Park as a kind of business, I cannot agree. Since the Ocean Park get admission fee for visitors to go inside for visiting the venues and playing the rides, where visitors are required to paid for the food and drinks as well as souvenirs. Even the Ocean Park also conservate marine ecology, the nature of the Ocean Park is actually a kind of business involving marine conversation. And so it is unavoidable to consider the future development of the Ocean Park from business perspective, in order to avoid the Ocean Park become the “black hole without bottom”.
但可怎樣做? 小編姑且天馬行空地說一下可行性,不喜勿插。 But what can do with it? I try to brainstorm some possibilities, please don’t blame on me if you don’t agree with me.
首先,暫緩審批撥款,並要求海洋公園管理層提供詳細債權人資料,然後由政府出面和債權人商討債務重組。因為海洋公園目前需要的不是盲目地由政府補貼,而是債務重組。但可惜的是,海洋公園管理層並沒有開誠佈公,連其中的大債權人是哪個機構組織也要議員在立法會連番追問才不情不願地說出是中國銀行(一間中資銀行,有傳此銀行有高層職員同時出任海洋公園管理層),這種不合作態度很難讓香港人對他們營運海洋公園有信心。 First, set aside the approval of subsidy application, and require the senior management of the Ocean Park provide the details of creditor information, so that the Hong Kong Government can meet with the creditors for discussing the possibilities of debt restructuring; it is because what the Ocean Park need should be debt restructuring instead of HK government subsidy the Ocean Park blindly. However, the senior management of the Ocean Park do not be honest, they mentioned one of their big creditor is the Bank of China (a Chinese banking where it is saided that there is senior staff acting as the senior management of the Ocean Park) reluctantly when the councillors ask for several times in LegCo, it is hard to let Hong Kong people believe their executive and operation due to their uncooperative attitude.
其次,必須撤換目前的管理層,並重新聘用盛智文及其團隊再管理海洋公園。由目前的管理層接管海洋公園以來,海洋公園每況愈下,4年內一年比一年負債嚴重,他們無論再怎麼推搪也責無旁貸,必須引疚辭職。而政府也應重新聘用盛智文及其團隊再管理海洋公園,因他們之前曾令海洋公園運營得有聲有色有盈餘,絕對比目前令海洋公園由盈轉虧的管理層好得多。 Next, it is needed to replace the current senior management, and hire Allan Zeman and his team again to govern the Ocean Park. Since the Ocean Park is getting worse and worse and the loan is getting huge and huge since governed by the current senior management, they have the responsibility for making the situation no matter what their excuses are, and they need to resign for it. On the other hand, HK Government need to hire Allan Zeman and his team again to govern the Ocean Park, as he and his team had make the Ocean Park become a significant theme park with profits, they are much better than the current senior management of the Ocean Park.
再者,不要再以「香港人的集體回憶」來作撥款給海洋人的藉口之一,因為很多有重要性的「香港人的集體回憶」也隨著歷史步伐而無一倖免被取締,如舊天星碼頭、荔園等,海洋公園的獨特性及本土性(如還有的話)也不足以因為它是「香港人的集體回憶」之一而可以例外,而不惜大花港人的稅金來保留。 Moreover, don’t use “Hong Kong people’s Collective Memory” for one of the excuses, since many important “Hong Kong people’s Collective Memory” had been banned, e.g. Old Star Ferry Pier, Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park, etc., the unique and locality (if any) of the Ocean Park is not enough for it to become an exception case of “Hong Kong people’s Collective Memory”, and take a huge amount of the tax of Hong Kong citizens for keeping it.
Recently, Hong Kong Government plans to give over 10 billions for the huge loss and renew plan of the Ocean Park, which continues to have huge loss for 4 years, to attract customers; Previously, Hong Kong Government had borrowed a huge amount of money to the Ocean Park before for their huge loss, in which the money is still not able to get back now. Where are the money, it’s from the tax of Hong Kong citizens who work hard every day!
In my opinion, the huge loss of the Ocean Park in 4 years is due to the improper marketing strategies of new CEO which take over the job 4 years ago, making Ocean Park is not “Park of Hong Kong People” anymore. Hong Kong Government should not put money again and again to this “black hole without bottom” and make citizens’ tax become total loss, but should put the money to people’s livelihood instead.
How improper is the marketing strategies of new CEO which take over the job 4 years ago? “One False Move and The Game is Over”, all because of the start of accepting huge amounts of tours of rural community from Mainland China.
Since the tours of rural community from Mainland China use tour tickets which are cheaper prices, the more tour tickets being sold, the more money is being loss. Because of the low cultural level of the mainland people in the tours (some even have never seen the gate machine before), most of them speak very loudly, jump the queue without guilty, spit everywhere without guilty, and even foul the places with their excreta without guilty instead of using the toilet, and so on, making other customers feel disgusting. The increase and increase of common ticket price and the cancellation of half price benefit for customers go with friends that having birthday free benefits for visiting the Ocean Park, turn down the motivation of Hong Kong and foreign visitors to go to the Ocean Park.
On the other hand, the recent policies of the Ocean Park let Hong Kong people feel they are not neutral for politic affairs, no matter what new games, new themes or new benefits that the Ocean Park proposes, they cannot attract Hong Kong customers anymore, but making Hong Kong people think that the Ocean Park treat them as “spare tire”, only think of Hong Kong and foreign customers when they loss the Mainland customers.
Finally in my opinion, what the Ocean Park management need to do is review the improper marketing strategies they have done in previous 4 years, but not renew and explore blindly.